Our commitment to you is to make this fundraiser as simple and successful as possible! We hope we have done just that for you, and look forward to producing your order.
When you have completed your fundraiser sales event, here’s what you need to do:
Gather the member Order Forms
Use the customized order worksheet that arrived with your sales materials, or the Final Totals Worksheet (the final page of this manual) to determine your order quantities and the dollar amount of your order to us. Add your total numbers so that you will know what your final order will be.
Place the completed order worksheet on top of ALL the individual member order envelopes, write your check for your order, and send everything to us. We will develop our printing order based on the information provided on the order envelopes. We’ll then return all the order envelopes with your order, along with the original artwork.
Send to our printing office:
312 Eureka Ave.
Berryville, AR 72616
That’s It!
Just wait for the order to arrive. On average, allow approximately 2 week production time, and a few days shipping time to receive your order.
Review the Fundraiser MethodsReady to find out more?