Our Fundraisers are Composed of 3 Simple Steps

Step 1:
Conduct an art session with your group, and send the artwork to us.
Step 2:
Conduct a sales campaign, either by email or in person, or both!
Step 3:
Place your order with us, and distribute your products when your order arrives.
That’s it! It’s that simple! Our simple process is what helps make A KidsAreStars.com Fundraiser is “the Funnest Fundraiser Ever!” Now, continue reading to find which of the 2 Fundraiser Methods will work best for you!
It Doesn't Have to Stop Their! Keep It Going With Online Ordering!
What also sets us apart is our commitment to your sales campaign available on the Internet. Your organization will be provided its OWN online ordering web page for all items you make available in your fundraiser. This makes generating more sales for your group MUCH simpler for parents and staff.
At your ordering web page, visitors will view the artwork of each child, view the items available for purchase from your group, and be directed to shopping cart pages. (Please note: Shipping charges will apply on purchases made through the online webpage. No shipping charges are added to orders that come directly from your person-to-person sales campaigns and are shipped directly to your school or organization